It has been so cold in Perth the past couple of days. Perth winters tend to be a few days of real cold ((less than 10 degrees max) and then a week of warmer weather with the occasional rainy period. So I should be used to the cold weather but it shocks me every time! The new house hasn't performed as well as I had hoped in terms of staying warm but the fact that I haven't made the curtains for all of the rooms other than the bedrooms probably plays a big part in that. More curtains are somewhere on the list of things to do!
We all went to the beach yesterday after swimming lessons, it looked so sunny and inviting to be outside. Doesn't it look gorgeous? What the picture doesn't tell you was how cold the wind was! I went to the local supermarket and we had a picnic lunch on the grass which was a lovely break from our usual weekend roster of doing things around the house.
I did finish the jumper for Princess and managed to grab a photo on the one occasion she has deigned to wear it. It turned out pretty well and should fit for couple of years. I'm considering making tiny versions for her dolls in an effort to get her to wear it. The pattern should be easy enough adjust!
One of the many fine things about having my parents back from their travels is that The Dude and I get Thursday nights to play at being sophisticated grown ups. Last Thursday we met up in the city and went to the Picasso to Warhol exhibition at the Art Gallery of WA. How they managed to swing such a fabulous exhibition for little old Perth I don't know but it was fabulous and there are another five exhibitions to come. The Dude and I have been fortunate to have travelled in our (much) younger years and we have been to MoMA twice so we had seen some of the exhibition before but not curated the same way. The focus seemed to be to show the 14 artists' development from regular-looking still lifes and landscapes to the weird and usually wonderful art they created at the end of their careers. I still don't get Warhol or Mondrian (The Dude and I had our usual discussion/argument about the merit of Mondrian) but I loved Matisse's colours and Duchamp's cheekiness.
And then we went for dinner at Bivouac Canteen - very nice. Lovely cocktails (always a winner with me) and delicious food. Yay!