My lovely parents have just come home from a ten week trip to the other side of the world, aka England, to see my brother and his family. While they were there, my nearly-70 & 74 year old parents walked 250 km through hilly terrain in France. They are awe inspiring people - I hope that I m dong the same at their age! I love the fact that they just get on and do it. Mum realised after they started the walk that when they hope to finish the whole walk (it's 750 km in total, they have broken it up into three parts) Dad will be 78. How's that for an active retirement?
I volunteered to go and pick them up from the airport, at 1230 am. Nutty decision given how tired I am but I knew I couldn't sleep thinking about them trying to find a taxi and get themselves settled at home in the middle of the night. Weird that I think they are quite capable of walking through countries on their own where they don't speak the language but I don't think they are up to getting a taxi from familiar airport rammed with cab drivers. Of course, I was there far too early and settled in to do some people watching and knitting. I was working hard on the jumper for Princess I mentioned here.
I got loads done - there's really not much to see at Perth airport in the middle of the night except inappropriately dressed people who have just landed from Bali and not realised that it was going to be 4 degrees.
I've now finished the jumper and will post some pictures if I can actually get Princess to put it on. Again, I can thoroughly recommend the pattern if you want a jumper/dress/top that will knit up quickly and mindlessly - a good in front-of-the-telly knit. I suggest not doing stripes (I changed every 8 rows, there were sooooo many ends to weave in) or either doing much smaller ones (say every 2-3 rows) so you can carry the yarn up the inside or even really big stripes. Anything to avoid all those ends. Given that this was just supposed to be an everyday wear type garment, as opposed to something special, I probably could have picked up the spare yarns in a stitch every couple of rows - a few bumps up the side would not have mattered. Next time!
I am now onto long overdue baby gifts. The gifts are overdue, not the babies. I have to talk myself into sitting down and finishing them, preferably before the baby in question turns 1! Tiny things in tiny yarn, sigh...
They are amazing! Mine are due back today from England, hope I am like them at their age.